I also said in that Blog “‘God’s Process’ (Posted at this Website) is ‘for God is come to prove you’” and my daily Bible reading is another way God “prove” people:
“If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double. If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall put in his beast, and shall feed in another man’s field; of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own vineyard, shall he make restitution. If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution. If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of the man’s house; if the thief be found, let him pay double. If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought unto the judges, to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbour’s goods.” (Exodus 22:1-8)
People need to be in the Word of God daily. I think God puts Chapters like these in the Bible to see if people will keep reading. I am not saying the information is not important, but Chapters like this and some in Leviticus are kind of boring. I truly dread I Chronicles because it has so many names. I even wrote “Lots Of Names” on the Introduction Page. Being tongue-tied I truly struggle with the names, but I keep reading and pronouncing the names the best I can. It is not the pronunciation of the names, but the “Effort” God is looking at to “prove” people.
I said in “The Trilogy” when Mitt Romney was running for President I thought Mike Huckabee and him would be a winning ticket. Huckabee as President and Romney as Vice President. He brought businessman to the table. I was mad at Huckabee for not running because I think he would have won against Obama and the country would not be in the condition that it is in. He would NOT have opened that same-sex marriage door. I think a big part of Romney’s lost was because he is Mormon. Besides the Book Of Mormon everything else they taught was Biblical until they endorsed same-sex marriage in my “Compromise Is Never Of God” Blog Posted 1-30-2015.
I was happy to hear Mike Huckabee is running for President. He will try to turn this “Country Back To God.” That is shown in the article titled, “Mike Huckabee Attempts to Scare Iowa Voters Without Being Scary.” (Article posted @ Facebook and Twitter) It states:
The applause started with a single man in the corner of a crowded back room in a Pizza Ranch here on Thursday. After a short beat that was still long enough to be awkward, the rest of the room joined in. Mike Huckabee, who had just finished explaining that “our country is in real trouble,” began to chuckle. “You know the joke about the sound of one hand clapping?” he said with a smile. “That was it.” The crowd, which only moments ago had let out a solemn Amen in response to his dire warning about a nation in peril, began to laugh. Once they had stopped, Huckabee picked up where he had left off, describing how the “Washington-to-Wall Street axis of power” had created a government that has put the country on the path to ruin.
Call it doomsaying with a smile.
People must vote in someone that will get “the country on the path to ruin” OFF that path. The only way for this country to get off that path is “Country Back To God.” “Country Back To God” is American getting back to the Biblical Foundation this country was built on. It is going to take “People Must Learn to be the Bigger Person” to get “Country Back To God.”
To get “Country Back To God” the new President’s first priority must be an Executive Order to re-instate The Defense of Marriage Act. To get “Country Back To God” the new President’s second priority must do whatever it takes for the Federal Marriage Amendment to be added as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States and signed as a witness by the new President. To get “Country Back To God” the new President’s third priority must be to make sure the same-sex marriage door is CLOSED forever.
I said in my “Speak To Everyone You Pass Every Day!” Blog “America must be Re-built on the Biblical Principles that made it a Great Nation. Hillary Clinton is NOT the person to do that.” The article in that Blog stated, “Hillary Clinton claims to be Christian. Barack Obama claims to be a Christian.” People throw around “Christian” like they throw around “I love you.” It is at the point most of the time when people use “Christian” or “I love you” it is only words to get what they want.
People do not understand “Christian” is not a title. “Christ Like” is “Behavior.” When people are “Christ Like” their “Behavior” is “Rooted” and “Grounded” in the Bible. The Word of God is reflected in their “Behavior.” That means their “Actions” line up with the Bible. Same-sex marriage is NOT an action that lines up with the Word of God.
People “Saying” they are a “Christian” does not make them a Christian just like “Standing” in a garage does not make people a car. I said in my “God’s Process” Blog “God’s Process is how people become a ‘True Christian.’” It is God’s Process that conforms us to the image of Jesus.
In my “It Is About More Than The Police” Blog I said, “EVERY try people DO gives God Glory” too. The article “Driskell v. Homosexuals: The Civil Rights Case of the Century” is how “And The Violent Take It By Force” Blog Posted 4-30-2015 is done! The article states:
We live in exciting times for civil rights litigation. Across the country, ordinary people from every walk of life are going to court to vindicate their rights and liberties. Civil lawsuits have ushered in marriage equality and combated trans discrimination, paving the way for minorities to achieve equal justice under law. Now a brave woman named Sylvia Ann Driskell is taking a bold step to fight in court for American freedom: She’s suing every gay person on the planet for violating civil rights law.
Technically, Driskell v. Homosexuals is a bit more complex than that. Driskell isn’t suing “the Homosexuals” on her own behalf; rather, she is “an Ambassador for Plaintiffs God, and His, Son, Jesus Christ.” According to Driskell, God and Jesus want the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska to hold a trial to determine “Is Homosexuality a sin, or not a sin.” Driskell, who is 60, cites several Bible verses—as well as Webster’s Dictionary—to prove homosexuality is, indeed, a sin. And she demands that gay people appear in federal court to prove “that its not a sin to be homosexual.” The stakes, she says, are as high as they can be: “The way to destroy any Nation, or State is to destroy its morals, Look what happen to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Although Driskell’s handwritten complaint does not actually state a cause of action, she filed it as a 1983 civil rights suit. That means she believes gay people are violating the constitutional “rights, privileges, or immunities” of God and Jesus. (Driskell also faults “judges passing laws … so sinners can break religious and moral laws,” but she doesn’t want to drag them into court.) It is not quite clear what kind of remedy Driskell is seeking, although presumably she would start by overturning Lawrence v. Texas. One must assume that she hopes to finish by putting all gays to death, as the Bible commands.
Although we are truly living in an age of ambitious impact litigation, I fear Driskell’s lack of legal acumen may have doomed her lawsuit from the start. Were Driskell an experienced attorney, she would have known to file in state court, where these kinds of actions usually fare much better. She would have avoided citing the Bible and instead cited Justice Antonin Scalia’s paraphrasing of the Bible. And finally, she would have retained the counsel of the Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in winning these kinds of suits. I can only hope Driskell learns from her mistakes, withdraws her suit, and re-files in a court more amenable to her interests. I hear Texas judges are especially accommodating to plaintiffs like Driskell these days.
My only problem with the article is “putting all gays to death, as the Bible commands.” The Bible DOES NOT command that. Since the writer stated “One must assume” that means the statement did not come from her. It does not matter to God that “lack of legal acumen may have doomed her lawsuit from the start.” The ONLY thing that matters to God is the TRY. I hope the writer of the article will TRY to contact her to give her his advice. Better yet instead of making assumptions maybe he should TRY to do it since he seems to know how.
My TRY for “Country Back To God” is “Speak To Everyone You Pass Every Day!” All people can do is be an example and plant seeds. It is God that gives the Increase. That is why “Texas judges are especially accommodating to plaintiffs like Driskell these days:”
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:6)